Resources For Adult Basic Education

“In youth we learn; in age we understand.” Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Adult education studentsIn my Adult Basic Education Reading class I’m working with students who are reading at the 4th-8th grade level. Their goal is to improve their skills so they can pass the GED test. Resources for teaching vocabulary, writing, decoding, and reading comprehension skills are included.



Illinois STAR Vocabulary Booster Resources

adult learningSlide show presentations have been created for most of the vocabulary units. Each slide includes a picture, student-friendly definition, part of speech, and a synonym. This slide show can be used when introducing the words to the class or as a review. There is a second copy of this slide presentation that does not include the definitions so students can add the word meanings during a lesson or as a homework assignment.



IACEA Presentation – Phonics 101 Basics: An Alphabetics Training Tool

Many adults need instruction in alphabetics or phonics. Here are the handouts from a presentation that provides background knowledge in phonics concepts, syllabication, and word analysis.

Word Lists for Alphabetics Phonics Boost, Boost Plus, and Phonics Blitz can be used in advanced or basic phonics groups. This index lists the major concepts that can be taught and the pages where word lists for these skills can be found.
